INTERVIEW: ALYSSA MCKAY OF 'THE ROYALS OF MALIBU' (Part 1) "The Royals of Malibu" is a new rags-to-riches drama following the story of Ella Sinclair, an underage cam girl who finds herself getting shipped to Malibu to a mansion to live with a couple of wicked stepbrothers. TikTok influencer and actor Alyssa McKay voices Ella Sinclair in the show. I heard from McKay on playing Ella, challenges she faced, and her biggest wins. Shreya Sharma (SS): What drew you to Ella Sinclair and "The Royals of Malibu"? Alyssa McKay (AM): When I read the script, I immediately knew that "The Royals of Malibu" was for me. I felt so deeply connected to Ella Sinclair — from the moment I read it. We have a lot of parallels and similarities. I also look up to her in many ways as well. It was a perfect fit from the beginning. SS: Was there any element of Alyssa that shines through in Ella? AM: We have a lot of traits in common. Our upbringing in foster care. We are both fighters. We are also both good people at the core, even though, at times, there is a little bit of a tough exterior. SS: Share with us any challenges you might have faced during this production. What kept you going? AM: There are a few scenes that did trigger an emotional response from me personally. Really what kept me going as we recorded these was the love and support from the cast and everyone working on the production, from the director to the editor to the production manager, etc. Everyone was super supportive. It really felt like a family. |