Most companies that participated


Most companies that participated in the world's largest four-day workweek trial will keep the reduced hours.

 According to trial data, participating companies had higher revenues, lower employee turnover, and less worker burnout.

  • 61 organizations in the U.K. employing about  2,900 workers voluntarily adopted a four-day workweek from June to December 2022.
  • The trial was coordinated by the New Zealand-based nonprofit advocacy group 4-Day Week Global.
  • Organizational revenue was up 1.4% during the trial while employee turnover dropped by more than half, according to data released on Tuesday.
  • Only three of the 61 organizations decided to go back to five-day workweeks and two are undecided.
  • The remaining companies will continue with four-day workweeks.
  • The trial encompassed a wide range of industries, but it was not randomized and it was skewed toward smaller firms, notes Bloomberg.

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