Google Cloud announced it is partnering with Seattle-based startup LevelTen Energy to reduce the time it takes to negotiate a deal between clean energy developers and buyers.


Google Cloud announced it is partnering with Seattle-based startup LevelTen Energy to reduce the time it takes to negotiate a deal between clean energy developers and buyers

Traditionally, agreements can take more than a year to complete.

  • The deals currently begin with a request for proposals, followed by complex analytical processes to narrow the proposals, then a negotiation between the buyer and the seller results in a term sheet.
  • Google and LevelTen's process reduces the complexity of the analytics, eliminates the short list of candidates and the term sheet, and replaces it with an executable power purchase agreement.
  • LevelTen has raised $68.3M since its inception in 2016, including participation from Alphabet in 2021.
  • The companies plan to make the simplification tool widely available this year.

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