Holders of $17B of Credit Suisse bonds are set to lose their investments.


Holders of $17B of Credit Suisse bonds are set to lose their investments. 

The loss will follow the completion of UBS's acquisition of its struggling Swiss competitor in a state-backed deal intended to reassure financial markets.

  • UBS announced on Sunday that it reached a deal to acquire Credit Suisse for $3.25B.
  • The deal values Credit Suisse at about 60% less than it was worth at the close of trading on Friday.
  • Swiss regulator Finma ordered Credit Suisse's Additional Tier-1 (AT1) bonds to be completely written down as part of the agreement.
  • The UBS deal initially caused Credit Suisse’s AT1 bonds to increase in value due to expectations that the rescue would prevent bondholders from facing significant losses. 

  • AT1 bonds are primarily held by hedge funds, professional investors, and Asia-based retail and wealth management investors. 
  • The financial instruments take losses when the capital of the institution that issued them falls below a pre-established level.
  • Holders of AT1s, the riskiest class of European bank debt, saw their investments wiped out when Santander acquired its Spanish competitor Banco Popular for one Euro in 2017.

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