Louisiana State University has warned its students that representing AI-generated classwork as their own could result in academic misconduct charges.


Louisiana State University has warned its students that representing AI-generated classwork as their own could result in academic misconduct charges. 

The school released the warning after LSU gymnastics star Olivia Dunne promoted the AI-powered schoolwork automation app Caktus AI on social media.

  • Dunne shared a paid promotion of the Caktus AI tool on her TikTok account, which claims over 7.2 million followers.
  • Shortly after, LSU released a statement saying AI and other technology "can foster learning and creativity," and its students and professors are empowered to use tech for learning purposes.
  • "However, using AI to produce work that a student then represents as one's own could result in a charge of academic misconduct, as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct," it said.
  • LSU's Code of Student Conduct outlaws plagiarism, including the failure to use "appropriate citations" and submitting "unacknowledged" ideas, words, and data.

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