8 ways to ease allergy symptoms for better sleep

 8 ways to ease allergy symptoms for better sleep

1. Take a shower before bed

Rinse off each night before bed to remove pollen and prevent yourself from taking allergens to bed with you. Showering before bed is a good activity to incorporate into your nighttime routine as it helps you relax and promotes better sleep. 

2. Keep doors and windows closed 

Prevent pollen and other allergens from blowing into your home through windows and doors by keeping them closed. 

3. Sleep apart from your pets 

We all love our pets, but by letting them sleep in your bed with you, you're inviting pet dander (and any other allergens they might bring along) into your sleeping space. Train them to sleep in their own pet bed away from your mattress. 

4. Frequently wash bedding

You spend every single night on your mattress and in between your bedding. We shed an ounce of dead skin every three days and old mattresses can be home to up to 10 million dust mites. That's why it's crucial you wash your sheets every one to two weeks to prevent them from collecting allergens. 

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5. Use a mattress protector 

Speaking of dust mites, cover your mattress with a mattress protector to prevent them and other allergens from flaring up your allergies.

Congestion, coughing and increased snoring can make sleeping difficult when you're living with allergies.

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6. Consider a new mattress

If the last time you bought a new mattress was during Obama's first term in office, it's time for a new bed. Old mattresses are a playground for all the allergens you can imagine: mold, mildew, dead skin, pet dander, dust mites… you get the gist. This is why your mattress could be a big contributor to allergies. 

For extra reinforcements against allergens, natural mattresses made with natural or organic latex foam are hypoallergenic and antimicrobial. That means they prevent the growth of mold, mildew and other allergens.

7. Sleep upright 

Sleeping flat can make your congestion worse, so it can help if you sleep upright, propped up by a few extra pillows or an adjustable bed frame. 

8. Use an air purifier 

Research shows that an air purifier is effective in helping rid the air of allergens like mold, mildew, pet dander and pollen, and in turn, promotes better sleep quality. 

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