Bolsonaro returns to Brazil


Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro flew back to Brazil this morning.

 He arrived in the capital of Brasília for the first time since his supporters attacked federal buildings to protest the results of Brazil's presidential election.

  • Bolsonaro traveled to the U.S. just before his left-wing rival, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva, took office on Jan. 1. 
  • Bolsonaro remained in Florida for over three months as Brazilian authorities carried out 20 investigations into his activities, six of which involve criminal charges.
  • Bolsonaro's return to Brazil may antagonize the government led by Lula as the country recovers from the most divisive election in its history.
  • Right-wing Bolsonaro lost Brazil's runoff election to Lula by a narrow margin on Oct. 30.
  • Bolsonaro refused to concede defeat but authorized the transfer of power.
  • Pro-Bolsonaro protestors invaded Brazil's Congress, Supreme Court, and presidential palace in January, a week after Lula's inauguration.
  • Demonstrators ransacked a meeting room of Brazil's Supreme Court, which Bolsonaro criticized for having partisan justices.
  • Some of Bolsonaro's supporters called for Brazil's military to reverse the transfer of power to Lula.

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