Over 1 million WordPress websites infected


Over 1 million WordPress websites are believed to be currently infected by a 2017 hacking campaign that is still ongoing.

 The threat actor behind this campaign is unknown.

  • According to the researcher that tracked the flaw, the hacking campaign takes advantage of essentially all WordPress vulnerabilities tracked so far.
  • The campaign uses the Balada Injector, taking advantage of newly registered domain names that contain malicious scripts and redirecting victims to various scam websites.
  • In its final infection chain stage, the malware enables hackers to generate fake WordPress admin users, harvest data stored in the underlying hosts, and leave backdoors that can serve as long-term access paths.
  • Through this method, the hacker group can gain access to multiple websites simply by compromising one of them.
  • In addition to malware, this campaign also uses brute force attacks in an attempt to breach passwords.

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