U.S. President Biden told advisers
that technology companies "have a responsibility" to ensure that their
AI and other products are safe before rolling them out publicly. Biden made the comments during an AI meeting today with his Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
- When asked whether he thinks "AI is dangerous," Biden said it "remains to be seen" but "could be."
- AI has the potential to help humanity address "some very difficult challenges, like disease and climate change."
- However, the potential risks to U.S. society, its economy, and national security also need to be addressed, Biden added.
- Biden
also urged federal lawmakers to pass legislation requiring businesses
to place "health and safety first in the products that they build."
- In October, the White House's Office of Science & Technology Policy released its Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights.
- The wide-ranging document offers suggestions that developers, businesses, and others can follow to reduce AI's potential harms.
- AI
systems should work, should not discriminate, and should not use data
indiscriminately, blueprint co-writer Suresh Venkatasubramanian wrote in
a tweet.