The metaverse needs to address safety, skills, and regulatory challenges to achieve widespread adoption, according to research by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
;According to the survey,;77% of tech professionals are concerned about safety issues in the metaverse, and 81% believe it will create new regulatory challenges.
- Only 25% of IT professionals think the metaverse and immersive technologies will benefit society.
- 38% believe Web 3.0 will improve society.
Confidence in the U.K.'s digital skills for the metaverse is low.
- Only 19% expressed confidence in the metaverse and 26% for Web 3.0.
- The metaverse and Web 3.0 are expected to impact the environment, with 50% of IT experts predicting a negative effect on the Earth's climate.
- The BCS research was;discussed in Westminster at an;All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG);session on the metaverse and;Web 3.0.
- The U.K.'s 2023;Spring Budget, released in March, said the government wanted to "lead on the future of web technology, sometimes known as Web3 or the metaverse."