NFT collection dubbed the Dogs of BND on the Ethereum network


Germany's federal foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), has launched a 999-piece NFT collection dubbed the Dogs of BND on the Ethereum network. 

The agency locked access to the dog-themed collection featuring a treasure hunt, which would help BND recruit new cybersecurity talent. 

The NFTs are inspired by BND's guard, security dog, and other intelligence roles.

  • All German citizens above the age of 13 will be able to participate in the hunt.
  • BND has posted a string of hidden characters on Instagram, which directs users to an Ethereum address, as a clue to invite the candidates to join the race.
  • The candidates must find the correct data using this clue to access the collection and be eligible to mint an NFT. 
  • Only 987 NFTs in the collection can be minted by the eligible hunters, and the agency has yet to include 12 of the NFTs in the treasure hunt. 
  • These 12 NFTs will be used by the intelligence service in more difficult challenges. 

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