The metaverse shared virtual worlds accessible through the internet


The metaverse shared virtual worlds accessible through the internet has not triggered any concerns or the need for legislation, according to EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager.

 She will present an initiative on the metaverse next week to help competition regulators understand the industry's dynamics.

Tech giants like Meta Platforms, Microsoft, and Apple are developing metaverse products or services, raising concerns about potential unfair advantages over smaller competitors like Roblox.

  • Vestager stated that she sees a lot of innovation in virtual worlds and does not believe any company can claim ownership.
  • The upcoming initiative proposes a toolbox with guidelines for participating in virtual worlds and combating counterfeiting.
  • It also suggests standards for open and interoperable virtual worlds to prevent the dominance of a few and introduces regulatory sandboxes.
  • The European Commission aims for a Web 4.0 powered by open, highly distributed technologies and standards that enable interoperability between platforms and networks and freedom of choice for users.
  • Vestager believes that the digital legislation adopted in Europe over the past five years, covering areas from privacy to market power and upcoming AI rules, can also apply to the metaverse.

Ultima Online, which turned 25 earlier this year, offers a lesson in building virtual worlds.

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