AI software successfully piloted


AI software successfully piloted a training aircraft for more than 17 hours.

 The AI flew the VISTA X-62A, or Variable In-flight Simulation Test Aircraft, at the Air Force Test Pilot School at California's Edwards Air Force Base.

  • VISTA, which is based on the F-16, made the AI-assisted flight in December.
  • According to Lockheed, it was the first time that AI technology was used to fly a tactical aircraft. 
  • VISTA is embedded with software that enables it to mimic the performances of other aircraft, the company noted.
  • Using VISTA, the Air Force can develop and test new AI techniques with new autonomous aircraft designs.
  • This will "rapidly mature autonomy for uncrewed platforms and allow us to deliver tactically relevant capability to our warfighter," said M. Christopher Cotting, U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School director of research.
  • VISTA was developed by Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in partnership with Calspan Corp.

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