Bedford, Pa-based whiskey maker The Espy House has revealed a new whiskey, "Washington’s Reserve One," made in the spirit of founding father and first president, George Washington.
The first small batch of "Washington’s Reserve One" was revealed via a social media post on the historic whiskey maker's profile.
- The whiskey maker explained that this batch is made in the spirit of the U.S.’s first president, George Washington.
- President
Washington used The Espy House, founded in 1771, as his headquarters
during the "Whiskey Rebellion" (1791-1794), a violent tax
protest during Washington's presidency.
- In 1794, when Congress repealed a tax on distilled spirits, Western Pennsylvania disputed the new tax with force.
- President Washington mobilized 12,950 troops to maintain government authority to make laws.
- The 45% ABV (90-proof) limited-edition bottles can be pre-ordered online.
- In
1974, The Espy House was added to the National Register of Historic
Places; in 1983, it was made a National Historic Landmark.