CNET to revive AI-assisted content creation


Media company Red Ventures is planning to reinstate the use of AI to assist in content generation at CNET, with some "enhancements," according to leaked audio of an executive discussion obtained by Futurism. 

The update comes after CNET paused its use of AI-written stories in late January.

Red Ventures, CNET's owner, developed a proprietary AI content generator to assist with news article creation.

  • The company has rebranded the technology as a "tooling" system and completed the initial part of a content audit across CNET, as well as Red Ventures' Bankrate and ventures.
  • As a result, Red is planning to make some changes to the tooling and "editorial checkpoints" that occur during content creation.
  • These "enhancements" are related to "output," "quality controls," and "user experience," according to a Red venture's AI managing editor.
  • For example, the company will replace a "plagiarism-checking service" with a more accurate program.

The CNET Money editorial team began quietly experimenting with the AI technology in November.

  • CNET ended up making corrections on 41 of 77 stories that were written with help from its AI writing tool.

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