International scientists discovered fossilized evidence


Skeletal illustrations of Kumimanu fordycei, Petradyptes stonehousei and a modern emperor penguin, showing the sizes of the new fossil species. Simone Giovanardi

 International scientists discovered fossilized evidence of two supersize penguins in South Island, New Zealand, that roamed the Earth more than 50 million years ago. 

 One of the discovered penguins, at almost 350 pounds, is the heaviest penguin known to science.   

  • The Journal of Paleontology published a study on the supersize penguin discovery.
  • For comparison, a male ostrich, the largest bird alive, weighs up to 290 pounds.
  • The discovery of the two penguins, Kumimanu fordycei and Petradyptes stonehouseihas, confirmed that prehistoric penguins were big.
  • Reportedly, many ancient animals, such as the dinosaurs and even the dog-size scorpion, had been significantly bigger.

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