Measuring Listen Time for podcast engagement


Bumper's Dan Misener breaks down how to measure Listen Time, a proposed method to measure listeners' attention and engagement with podcasts.

 Jonas Woost, Msener's colleague at Bumper, wrote a blog introducing Listen Time last month. 

  • Listen Time is the aggregate of the time a podcast's audience spends with the episodes across every platform the podcast is on.
  • Misener mentions that the real challenge when calculating this is the fragmentation: you'll need to get the numbers for different platforms separately and add them up for your final Listen Time. 
  • As an example: Listen Time in Apple Podcasts is calculated by multiplying the Duration, Unique Listeners, and Average Consumption. 
  • Misener also suggests that to better measure overall engagement, publishers should look at: 
    • Watch Time from YouTube Studio Analytics
    • The "minutes played" under Google Podcasts Manager
    • Listen Time numbers provided by the hosting platform.
  • For independent creators: Jonas Woost wrote a guest article for me at Podcast Marketing Magic, detailing success metrics specifically for independent podcasters. 

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