Online gaming platform Roblox


    Online gaming platform Roblox will soon launch AI tools that help users create and change the look of in-game materials and auto-generate code.

     Users can type in natural language descriptions of what they want, and the AI automatically generates the code to make that happen.

    For example, typing in "purple foil, crushed pattern, reflective" into the AI chat interface altered the appearance of a car in Roblox, according to a demo shown to Wired.

    • While some Roblox developers already utilize generative AI, they are "off-the-shelf" systems that aren't integrated with the game and may require a lot of fine-tuning by creators.
    • In a blog post, Roblox CTO Daniel Sturman said the platform will allow "every user to be a creator," making in-game item creation more natural and intuitive.
    • The company plans to launch tests for the two new AI tools "in the coming weeks," wrote Sturman, who also planned to share more during his talk at Tech Stack for the Metaverse at the DeveloperWeek conference.

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