Beer grains used for dog treats


Chris Yurkus, an amateur home brewer, partners with breweries and distilleries in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, collecting leftover grains to upcycle into dog treats.  

The "Brew Biscuits" business is a hit with dogs and humans.

The biscuits are made from peanut butter, flour, egg, and grain.

  • Although the grains come from the brewing process, there is no alcohol in the biscuits.
  • Wilson, the family's K-9, is the company logo and inspiration.
  • The treats have received positive feedback from dog owners who say their pets love them.

Brew Biscuits is partnering with the Worcester Animal Rescue League at the annual Brew Woo event, offering a raffle for a Buddy Bundle and a $1,000 donation in the winner's honor.

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