Diabetes costs employers $245B annually


Nomi Health has released data that diabetes costs U.S. employers $245B annually, more than double the entire U.S. automotive industry’s value

 The data shows the cost of care for people with diabetes to employers increases by 20% annually, with someone diagnosed with diabetes every 21 seconds in the U.S.

  • Nomi Health, a nationwide direct healthcare system, analyzed almost half a million employer health insurance claims to show changes in employer spending on diabetes.
  • Employers spend $175B yearly on direct medical and pharmacy costs for diabetic members.
    • Indirect costs from employee absenteeism, reduced productivity, and diabetes-related disability are almost $70B.
  • Nomi Health’s analysis is part of the Trends in Spend Tracker series, which aims to call attention and action to critical shifts in healthcare costs.
  • The high cost of diabetes extends to the chronic conditions associated with it, which often cost more than diabetes itself, the data shows. 

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