Apple held anti-union meetings in recent weeks with employees at all its 270 U.S. retail stores, according to Bloomberg.
reportedly discussed "the risks of unionization" with workers after
union efforts succeeded at stores in Oklahoma City and Towson, Maryland.
- According to Bloomberg, the managers discussed union negotiations with employees in Towson, the first Apple retail store to organize.
- Managers shared details about Towson's union dues, including a proposal to dismiss employees who fail to pay them.
- They also brought up challenges that Towson unionized workers have reportedly faced in the collective bargaining process.
- For
example, Apple turned down the union's proposals for weekly rather than
biweekly play and using tenure as a basis for promotions and layoffs.
- Overall, the message was, "If your store unionizes, you may be at a disadvantage,” according to Bloomberg.
- Last month, a labor union accused Apple of illegally firing five of its retail store employees over their alleged union activities.
- The CWA claims
that the employees at an Apple retail store in Kansas City were fired
and forced to sign severance agreements that were unlawfully broad.