Mexican beer is the primary driver of imported beer growth in the U.S


Mexican beer is the primary driver of imported beer growth in the U.S. on-trade, with consumers valuing the origin of imported beer and Mexico accounting for 79% of growth. 

Imported beer represents over half (52%) of the total beer category growth in the U.S. on-premise.

Mexican beer is followed by Irish (10%), Italian (2%), Japanese (2%), Dutch (1%), and other countries combined (5%).

  • States near the Canadian border, including Washington, New York, and Oregon, experienced the highest growth rates for Mexican beer.
  • States closer to the Mexican border, including Arizona and Texas, underperformed in growth.
  • The growth in tequila exports represents a 34.1% increase compared to the same period in 2021, indicating the continued popularity and rising demand for the Mexican spirit.

In addition to beer, tequila exports from Mexico reached record-breaking highs in 2022, totaling $3.6B between January and October, reflecting significant market growth. 

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