Ofcom released the data from its Podcast Survey 2023, highlighting the podcast listening trends of U.K. citizens.
It showed how British consumers listen to podcasts, how often they listen, and their ages, among other data.
25.5% of people surveyed listen to podcasts weekly, and 36.4% listen monthly. 50% of the respondents never listen to podcasts.
- Of weekly podcast listeners, 60.5% were men, and 45% of listeners were between the ages of 25 and 34.
- Listeners between the ages of 35-44 made up 40% of the weekly listeners, and 29% were between the ages of 18 and 24.
- Only 9% were 65 years of age and up.
- Women had a higher percentage of monthly podcast listening, as 44.1% of women answered that they listened monthly.
- Black listeners made up 49% of weekly listeners.
- 32% of listeners said they hear about new podcasts via word of mouth from friends and family.