First introduced in Colorado, pay transparency laws, though useful for increasing equity and clarity within the job market, have led to wider pay ranges in job posts that are harder to decipher. According to a study by Glassdoor, salary ranges have, by and large, increased by a few percentage points since the introduction of the new laws. However, according to Glassdoor's lead economist, Daniel Zhao, the salary range is generally only considered reasonable if the upper end of the range is 50% higher than the lower end. For example, a job posting with a bottom-end range of $40,000 should have a top-end range of $60,000, which is not always the case.
Q: Have transparency laws impacted salary ranges at your firm? Let us know on 
Former mail carrier Gerald Groff is taking the U.S. Postal Service to the Supreme Court, alleging religious discrimination. Groff claims that the USPS forced him to work on Sundays, his day of rest as a Sabbath observer. If the Supreme Court rules in Groff’s favor, it could have wide-ranging implications for employees' religious beliefs.
While mass shootings have taken center stage in the media, when it comes to overall gun violence in the U.S., workplace mass shootings are rare. Still, they have accounted for more than 30% of mass shootings, making them the most common site. While it's difficult to predict when they could occur, experts have identified 10 potential warning signs. |
As large corporations continue to downsize their workforces amid falling consumer demand, offerings of large severance packages have become another tool to help trim staff counts. Google and Amazon have offered large severance packages to their European employees, enticing them to leave in order to avoid potential labor law issues associated with layoffs. |
As more employees are returning to the office, Starbucks has been seeing an increase in allegations of misconduct. In an effort to address the matter, the company increased its internal headcount and turned to Axiom, a legal talent platform, for support. However, Becky Critch, a director of ethics and compliance in Starbucks’ investigation group, stated that the company also needed to streamline its workplace investigations' operations and processes. |
Junior doctors in the U.K. are demanding a 35% pay increase to compensate for wage increases that have lagged inflation over the past 15 years. At an International Monetary Fund meeting last week, U.K. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt implied that such a pay hike would push the country's already high inflation — 10.4% as of March — even higher, but the doctors continue to strike, insisting that their demands be met. |
A study by Flexa, a global flexible employer directory, found that 58% of job seekers are looking for fully remote jobs ahead of the summer. The study also found that searches for positions allowing people to "work from anywhere" increased by 86% in the last quarter. |