The National Academy of Medicine's (NAM) Clinician Well-Being Collaborative was formed to address the national clinician burnout crisis worsened by the pandemic.


The National Academy of Medicine's (NAM) Clinician Well-Being Collaborative was formed to address the national clinician burnout crisis worsened by the pandemic. 

The Collaborative released the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being in 2022 to provide actionable steps to support care providers.

The Collaborative is now leading a Change Maker campaign to implement the National Plan's priorities across the U.S.

  • Change Maker Accelerators' goals are outlined in the National Plan and measure progress accordingly.
  • Institutions and individuals can sign on to the campaign as Change Maker Nodes or Change Maker Champions.
  • The NAM will establish a national awareness day later this year to raise visibility and understanding of the challenges faced by the health workforce.
  • The campaign aims to inspire more participation over the next two years.

The National Plan highlights several priority areas for improving well-being.

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