The U.K. has fined TikTok $15.8M for violating its national privacy laws. The company allowed minors to open accounts without their parents' consent.
- The
country's premier privacy authority, the Information Commissioner's
Office, stated that due to TikTok's breach of privacy laws, over 1
million users under the age of 13 were able to access the platform.
- The company's minimum signup age is 13.
- According
to the agency, their data may have been used to track and profile them,
potentially showing harmful and inappropriate content.
- Further,
the ICO said that TikTok failed to provide accurate information to
people using the platform about how their data is collected, used, and
- The ICO claims that the privacy breaches happened between 2018 and 2020.
- In 2022, French privacy authority CNIL fined TikTok $5.4M for failing to adhere to laws regarding the use of cookies.