U.S. Navy cyber leaders seek enhanced cloud capabilities that maintain connectivity and access to applications in every environment.


U.S. Navy cyber leaders seek enhanced cloud capabilities that maintain connectivity and access to applications in every environment.

 The branch of the U.S. Armed Forces says it needs “more robustness and more resiliency” to rebound should any potential hacking or jamming be carried out against the U.S. by one of its enemies.

  • Despite the significant technological advances in recent years, connectivity services available to military personnel on land still provide better coverage than those working on the sea. 
  • The U.S. Navy is often plagued by intermittent connectivity that can result in lost information and does not offer a seamless reconnection. This is often due to severe weather conditions, ventures to remote environments, and constant movement.  
  • Rear Adm. Stephen Donald, deputy commander of the 10th fleet, stated that the industry needs “to figure out how to give me a ‘virtual cloud’ while afloat so that while I’m disconnected, I still have all the capabilities I can possibly have locally.” 
  • In Dec. 2022, the Navy awarded a $742M contract to Amazon to provide the branch’s commercial cloud environment.

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