AI fueling online content farms

AI language models are being deployed to generate low-quality news content on ad-driven websites, also known as "content farms," according toNewsGuard.

In April, the organization uncovered nearly 50 websites with content in seven different languages that appeared to be fully or mostly created using AI.

The sites are generally using OpenAI's ChatGPT to generate the articles.

  • In many cases, the sites do not disclose their ownership and tend to feature content described as "clickbait."
  • In News Guard's review, at least some of the content was found to be false. For example, a content farm called featured a story claiming that President Joe Biden had died.
  • Many also featured trademark phrases from AI models, including "I cannot complete this prompt" and "my cutoff date in September 2021."
  • NewsGuard warned that a new generation of content farms is on the way as a wider availability of AI content-writing tools opens up.

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