OpenAI CEO to testify before Congress

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, is set to make his;first testimony before Congress;next week as lawmakers strive to develop regulations for swiftly progressing AI.

;Altman will appear before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law on Tuesday, when he will speak on ways to keep AI in check as the technology becomes more widespread.

  • The;hearing, titled "Oversight of AI: Rules for Artificial Intelligence," will also include Christina Montgomery, IBM's VP and chief privacy and trust officer, and;Gary Marcus, an AI author and professor emeritus at New York University.
  • Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn, the subcommittee's chair,;said;the hearing represents the start of the panel's work to oversee and clarify AI technologies and advanced algorithms.
  • The night before the hearing, Altman will also;attend a dinner;with;House Democrats and Republicans that's aimed at educating congress members on AI.
  • Last week, Altman was one of the tech CEOs to;attend a White House meeting;on AI, which focused on guaranteeing regulatory protections. When asked if companies agree on regulations, Altman said, "We're surprisingly aligned on what actions should be taken."

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