According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple could announce several new Mac models at its WWDC event on June 5. These could include a larger 15-inch MacBook Air with an M2 chip, along with two "high-end Macs" with the M2 Max chip and an M2 Ultra chip. - The 15-inch MacBook Air would build on last year's introduction of the M2-equipped 13-inch Air.
- Additionally, Gurman reports that Apple is now testing the new high-end Macs with the M2 Max and unannounced M2 Ultra chip, possibly updated versions of the Mac Studio.
- Apple's decision to soon accept trade-ins for certain Mac models aligns with the possibility of a Mac Studio refresh.
- Gurman also suggests that Apple might introduce MacBook Airs and iMacs with an undisclosed M3 chip at WWDC. However, the iMacs may not be immediately available to buy.
- Apple's WWDC keynote will stream online starting at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT on Monday, June 5