Israel's central bank proposes rules for stablecoins


Solana Spaces announced plans to close its two Solana-themed retail stores in Miami and New York City at the end of February, only seven months after opening.

 The stores were opened by Vibhu Norby to offer a more face-to-face experience to people interested in NFTs.

The Solana Foundation, the Solana-based wallet provider Phantom, and the crypto exchange Orca were all among the sponsors of the project.

  • In Solana Spaces, visitors found many opportunities, like in-person wallet onboarding training, earning rewards, purchasing items, and attending events. 
  • Norby said Solana Spaces is closing the stores to move its investment focus to DRiP, the project’s new online NFT artwork airdrop platform.
  • The founder also stressed that the experiment was part of a larger strategy to bring in new users to the Solana and Web3 ecosystem.
  • According to Norby, Solana Spaces onboarded 500 to 1,000 people weekly, and a total of 75,000 people entered the stores to date, much below Norby’s target of 100,000 monthly visitors.

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