Google has discontinued sales of its Glass augmented reality smart glasses aimed at businesses.
The Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 device is designed for warehouse workers, surgeons, and others in the business sector.
- Google released the first edition of the headset to developers for $1,500 in 2013.
- After the smart glass failed to capture the market, Google ended sales in January 2015 and rebooted the hardware in 2017 as an enterprise device for workers.
- The second-generation Glass Enterprise Edition 2 came out in 2019, offering more powerful hardware and software at a $999 price point.
- Google is now ending sales
of Glass Enterprise Edition 2. While people can still use the device,
Google will not release more software updates in the future.
- The pre-installed "Meet on Glass app" on the headset may “stop working at any time” after September 15, 2023, the company said.
- A Google spokesperson told The Verge that Google remains "deeply committed to AR" and that it has "been building AR" into many of its products.