Apple announced today that it has partnered with Domino's to help customers order pizzas from their cars.
Apple CarPlay now includes a Domino's feature intended to expedite the process of picking up a pizza while driving home.
- The
simplified menu on the app provides a "Tap to Order" button, which
instructs your main pizza store to begin making your favorite order.
- The customer is also given a "Call to Order" button, which allows them to place an order verbally for another kind of pizza.
- Domino's has experimented with several ordering systems, including one that allowed customers to order pizzas via emoji text.
- Another experimental system allowed customers to order a pizza by simply opening an app on their phones.
- Apple's
new CarPlay feature is intended to prevent customers from needing to
"wait in a [fast food] drive-thru line just to place an order,"
according to Domino's SVP chief digital officer Christopher