With cannabis now legalized in many states, attention is turning to naturally derived psychedelics as a new frontier in medicine.
San Francisco has become a leader in this area, having decriminalized the possession of “entheogens” in 2022.
- San Francisco is hosting two conferences in April related to the use of psychedelics for spiritual purposes.
- Spirituality
and Beyond 3, happening on April 8 and 9, brings together experts in
psychedelics and features discussions on various topics.
- Queering Psychedelics II, happening on April 22 and 23, explores the healing power of entheogens in the LGBTQ+ community.
- The
organizers of Queering Psychedelics II believe that traditionally
underrepresented communities should have access to the benefits of
psychedelics and plant medicine.
- Discussions at Queering
Psychedelics II touch on astrology, LGBTQ+ people and the wilderness,
and “the cosmos of gender expansiveness.”
- These
conferences signal a growing interest in the potential therapeutic
benefits of psychedelics and plant medicine and the need to address the
needs of traditionally marginalized communities in this space.