Community Corner


Community Corner

Last week, we asked our marketing community, "How do you handle the pressure to continually produce results in a rapidly changing landscape?" Here are some highlighted responses we received:

  • Christopher Brereton (p/ChristopherBrereton), Chief Product Officer at Sidebench, answered, "I find that the landscape changes SO incredibly fast that keeping up is tough. However, the principles seem to stay the same. So stay focused on the principles and use the tools you need as you need them. Don't get too caught up in the latest hype cycle... be seeking out the new channels that seem like they may have merit and be experimenting BEFORE the hype cycle."
  • Tim Kilroy (p/timkilroy), CEO at, answered, "There is enormous pressure to generate results for agencies and marketers… So agencies and marketers all go crazy chasing the latest techniques and channels to prove their worth...and as marketers, we tend to express our value in the way that makes sense to us (you know ROAS, CTR, Impressions, CVO, etc.). So the solution to "everything changes so fast" is to watch your MTM (Metrics That Matter) - namely things like overall traffic & revenue, or MER (Marketing Efficiency Ratio) or total number of leads. Those real metrics (that are created with your own data) will provide you with a cleaner look at the impact of your marketing on your business!" You can read Tim's full comment here.

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