What the numbers say: The number of people listening to podcasts weekly has been on a steady rise since 2019. It is currently at an all-time high and has seen a 12% growth in the past four years. It is easier than ever to get on-demand audio and podcasts wherever you are, and people have been taking advantage of it. Relevance: Jacobs Media released Techsurvey 2023, its annual survey about the radio broadcasting industry. The survey is conducted by respondents that have answered questions through radio station email database questionnaires. The growth of people listening to a podcast at least once a week has risen from 21% of respondents in 2019 to 33% in 2023. More data: 18% of respondents said they listen to podcasts daily, while 15% of people said they listen weekly. 9% opted for monthly, and 21% said less than monthly. 37% said they never listen to podcasts. |