Netflix announced 40 new mobile games on its 2023 release slate.


"Mighty Quest: Rogue Palace"

Netflix announced 40 new mobile games on its 2023 release slate. 

In total, the streamer says it has 70 games in development with various studios and partners.

  • 16 of those 70 games are in development at Netflix's own in-house game studios.
  • The streamer started releasing mobile games in November 2021; it now has 55 titles available for download.
  • Netflix announced its own versions of Ustwo's popular "Monument Valley" series; the Netflix versions will apparently be identical to the previously released games.
  • The company also announced a new rogue-lite game, "Mighty Quest: Rogue Palace," set in the world of Ubisoft's 2019 mobile release "The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot."

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